Gum Grafting Alternatives

Most people want to have a bright, healthy white smile.  But in addition to having healthy teeth, healthy gums are also important in a person’s appearance.  For people whose teeth are starting to appear longer than normal, it is possible that they are suffering from gum recession and are evaluating their treatment options.  While gum grafting janesville wisconsin surgery is one of the best solutions to address gum recession, there are several alternatives worth considering.

Alternatives to Gum Grafting Procedures

Scaling and Root Planing

Part of a standard cleaning that a patient receives from their dental hygienist during a typical checkup is known as scaling.  Patients experiencing gum disease may need to go a step further and undergo a deeper cleaning through a scaling and root planing procedure.  The procedure begins by scaling all the tartar, bacteria, and plaque that has accumulated on the teeth and root surfaces.  After scaling, root planing is performed.  Planing is a process that goes under the patient’s gums to smooth out any rough areas on the tooth root surfaces.  Once these surfaces are smooth, the ability for tartar, plaque, and bacteria to regenerate under the gums is negated and the gums are able to heal and reattach properly to the teeth.


For patients with severely recessed gums, bone deterioration can also result.  According to the American Academy of Periodontology (AAP), regeneration can help combat any bone loss.  Using a surgical procedure where existing gum tissue is peeled back, regenerative material or a bone graft is then inserted in the area where bone deterioration is present.

The goal with the procedure is to help the bone and tissue regenerate before new gum tissue is added to the area.  Patients generally do not need regeneration unless they have severe periodontal disease or have other factors that are causing damage beneath the gums and bone tissue.

Gum Contouring

Another alternative to gum grafting is a gum contouring procedure.  These surgical procedures help improve the health of the teeth and gums while also changing the lines of the patient’s smile.  After the patient receives a local anesthetic to numb the area, the oral surgeon or periodontist will use a scalpel or laser to create a new, uniform gumline.  After the gums have been reshaped, they tend to be healthier because any deep pockets between the teeth and gums are now shallower and easier to clean when brushing.  Because it is known that periodontal disease generally develops when insufficient cleaning routines are practiced, having teeth and gums that are easier to clean, can have a positive impact on overall oral health.

Pinhole Surgical Technique

A newer, and minimally invasive, alternative to traditional gum grafting that is gaining in popularity is known as the Pinhole Surgical Technique.  Similar to laparoscopic/orthoscopic surgery, this procedure makes a small hole in the gumline.  Then the periodontist uses special instruments to loosen the patients gums so that they can be moved back into the appropriate position.  Since the procedure is minimally invasive and creates a significantly smaller wound, the Pinhole Surgical Technique allows the patient to recover faster than they otherwise would with gum graft surgery.

More on Gum Grafting : Cost of Gum Grafting