Post-Operative Instructions Extractions

Your treatment has been completed or partially completed (extraction with possible bone grafting prior to implant placement).

Prescriptions & Pain Medication

Most patients that have surgery in our office can manage their pain by taking Tylenol (acetaminophen) and Advil (ibuprofen). Take 1000mg of Tylenol, then 800mg of ibuprofen 1-2 hours after the dose of Tylenol and repeat this every 6-8 hours. This pain control regime has been found to give our patients superior pain control, minimizing the side effects found with narcotics. Some patients may need additional pain medication in the form of Tylenol with codeine, and that may substitute a dose of Tylenol. This is a strong pain medication and does, on occasion, make some people feel tired or somewhat nauseous. This regime of medication should provide superior pain control, more than if you were taking the stronger narcotic medication alone. The Ibuprofen also has the added advantage of reducing inflammation and swelling much better than the narcotic pain medication and may actually help the surgical site heal.  If you have any questions regarding this pain control regime, please contact our office.


In the first 24 hours you are not to rinse or spit as this may disrupt the blood clot and cause further bleeding. After 24 hours you may begin to brush your teeth gently and floss gently in the untreated areas. You should also brush your tongue. Begin using the products given to you described below after brushing. DO NOT rinse too vigorously as this may flush away the grafting material. Remember, the cleaner you keep your teeth and gums, the faster they will heal and the better they will feel.

You have been given one of the following products to keep your surgical site clean:

  • StellaLife – This product has been shown to decrease pain and swelling, speed gum healing, and keep surgical areas clean without staining your teeth. If given a kit, use three times daily. The rinse should be used GENTLY for 1-2 minutes, then spit. Use the spray under the tongue, then apply the gel to the teeth near the surgical site. Do not eat or drink for 20 minutes after applying the products. The antibacterial effects of the kit and rinse are significant and play a very important role in helping to prevent postoperative infection.
  • Peridex (Chlorhexidine) Mouth Rinse – GENTLY rinse with ½ ounce twice daily after brushing the remaining teeth in the nonsurgical sites. Please note that a light stain may develop on the teeth and tongue. The stain can be easily polished off and should not worry you. The antibacterial effects of the mouthwash are significant and play a very important role in helping to prevent postoperative infection.


For the next 4 – 6 hours you are to have cold liquids only (iced teas, carbonated beverages, fruit juice, lemonade, water). The cold liquids will allow proper clotting to take place and reduce some amount of discomfort. Do not use a straw; allow the cold liquids to pass over the surgical area. Drink plenty of liquids, at least 2 8-ounce glasses for every pain pill.

After the first 6 hours you may have something to eat, either warm or cold. Start with mushy foods: soup, yogurt, scrambled eggs, for example. You should then gradually go to a soft diet for the rest of the week. A soft diet is anything you can cut with a fork (ground meat dishes, casseroles, cooked vegetables, chicken, fish, macaroni, etc.). As a rule of thumb, if it hurts, don’t eat it. The only foods to avoid are popcorn, nuts, and foods with seeds or berries in them.


It is natural to expect some swelling after surgery. To keep swelling to a minimum, apply an ice pack to the outside of your face for 15 minutes on and then 15 minutes off for the next 24 hours (except while sleeping). Do not be alarmed if you wake up more swollen than you were when you went to bed. Resume the ice pack in the morning. Sleep with your head on two pillows. Keeping the head slightly elevated helps minimize swelling.


It is natural to have some blood mixed with your saliva for the first two or three days after surgery. It will not hurt you to swallow it, as it is mostly saliva. However, a bleeding problem would be considered if your mouth were to fill rapidly with blood in just a few minutes. Should this occur, do not rinse to stop the bleeding. Take a wet tea bag and place it over the bleeding area and press firmly for twenty minutes. If the bleeding will not stop, call the office.


You may experience a slight feeling of weakness or chills during the first 24 to 72 hours. If this persists for more than 72 hours, please call the office. Get plenty of rest this week and do not over exert yourself.

**If you were sedated, NO DRIVING the day of the surgery**

Please feel free to call at any time to have even the smallest question answered.

If you need to get in touch with the doctor, please call the office at Rockford Office Phone Number 815-261-1739. After hours the phone is answered by an answering service that can page the doctor 24 hours a day.